Notice: If you are a merchant processing transactions through PSP Services Inc. or PSIGate, communications were sent to inform you that we will no longer be your acquiring financial institution as of August 5, 2024. For questions and/or support on relocating to a new payment process service, please contact [email protected]
Attention: Si vous êtes un commerçant et effectuez des transactions par l'intermédiaire de PSP Services Inc. ou de PSiGate, veuillez noter que plusieurs notifications vous ont été envoyées pour vous informer que nous ne serons plus votre institution financière acquéreuse à partir du 5 août 2024. Pour toute question et/ou assistance concernant la migration vers un nouveau service de traitement des paiements, veuillez contacter [email protected]

Prepaid Card and Credit Card Products.

Visa* and Mastercard®.

Peoples Group is a leading issuer of prepaid and credit payment cards and recognized as a pioneer and innovator of prepaid cards in Canada. Today we issue millions of cards for Visa*, Mastercard, American Express, and UnionPay International in Canada. We are a responsive organization with an impressive track record.

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We enable Program Managers to offer best in class card programs for consumer, corporate, and government entities. With prepaid cards, organizations can make distributions to employees and customers without the inconvenience of producing cheques or using cash. They are an excellent medium for payroll, employee incentives, and commission payments, or rebate or warranty distributions.

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Découvrir et Apprendre

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Cool moves to protect yourself from fraud
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Credit report: free by mail
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Not such a bargain!
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